Makes 6
Prep time:15 minutes

Cook time: 20 minutes
200g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
100 ml semi skimmed milk
4 tbsp buttermilk
50 g butter, melted and cooled
2 eggs, beaten
75 g Cheddar cheese, grated
4 spring onions, washed and finely chopped
1- 2 tbsp olive oil
Rocket leaves to serve
Sea salt and black pepper
Sift the flour into a bowl with the baking powder. In a bowl, beat together the milk, buttermilk, half the melted butter, the eggs and half the cheese.
Make a well in the centre of the flour and whisk / beat in the liquid mixture and stir until smooth. Set aside.
Reserve a few spring onions for garnish. Heat a little oil in a non stick frying pan and fry the remaining spring onions for a few minutes until softened. Cool slightly and then add to the pancake mix. Stir well and season with plenty of salt and pepper.
Now, heat the frying pan and add a little of the remaining butter and oil together. Swirl the pan and drop a ladle full of the batter in the pan.
Let it spread out and cook over a low heat, sizzling gently for 3 minutes or until you can scoop a fish slice under and flip the pancake over.
Transfer to a plate and keep warm in the oven, whilst you cook the remaining batter. Serve stacked with rocket leaves, spring onions and cheese.
Recipe by Sally Gerrard ( GoodCooks) 2021